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Accomplishment Of Lisa Lindner

1. Drinking Water

  • Continued partnership with Oregon Health Authority to monitor the Disinfection by-Products (DBPs) issue in the City’s water.
  • Awarded $20,000 SIPP grant from Business Oregon to develop an effective plan with solutions to assist in remediating the City water’s DBP issue. 
  • Initiated engineering study using Business Oregon grant to identify solutions and costs to eliminate DBPs in the City’s water distribution system.

2. Economic Development

  • Awarded $10,000 grant from Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments to create Monroe’s first economic development plan.

3. Public Safety

  • Approved and signed a new law enforcement agreement with Benton County Sheriff’s Office to provide community policing, a consistent law enforcement presence, responsiveness, communication, and consistent reporting.
  • Completed Safe Routes to School protected crosswalk and paved path from Orchard Street to Monroe Grade School.

4. Infrastructure Repairs & Upgrades

  • Identified immediate repairs to water plant due to deferred maintenance. 
  • Implemented plan to make $300,000 in immediate repairs using funds from sales of surplus property.
  • Identified additional, long-term repairs and upgrades to the City’s infrastructure.
  • Met with the Oregon Legislature’s House Water Committee on the challenges the City is experiencing with current water infrastructure issues and funding for long-term repairs and upgrades.

5. Fiscal Responsibility & Transparency

  • Safeguard our reputation as a fiscally responsible city government that is accountable to the citizens of Monroe.
  • Prioritized fiscal accountability by establishing a City budget that uses accounting software instead of manual entry spreadsheets.
  • Created an enterprise fund for the water plant to accurately track revenue and expenses for easier reporting and transparency.
  • Adopted balanced budgets in fiscal years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 with no utility increases as recommended by the Budget Committee.
  • Maximized city management transparency and opportunities for public input with City meetings being available in-person and via Zoom.
  • Established a positive, productive working environment where every City Councilor has respect for one another, respect for the validity of their different opinions, respect for the process, and respect for the community that we serve.

6. Community, Culture & Livability

  • Completed and opened the City Park’s new covered picnic area and restrooms (i.e., park structure).
  • Hired volunteer park hosts to manage and maintain the city park including the new park structure.
  • Streamlined process and conditions of use to rent City of Monroe facilities, including the Monroe Community Library, Monroe Community Center, and Monroe City Park, so all city and community members can use these facilities in a fair, equitable, and consistent manner which benefits our city and community.

7. City Committees' Accomplishments

  • Implemented new job descriptions and pay scales for all City employees with a recommendation from the Human Resources Committee.
  • Hired a City Administrator to manage the day-to-day City operations.
  • Hired an Administrative Specialist and an Accounting Specialist to staff City Hall.
  • Hired a part-time Facilities Coordinator to manage and maintain the varies City buildings and facilities.
  • Hired a temporary employee to scan and digitalize all City documentation.
  • Codified City ordinances with a recommendation for the Ordinance & City Policy Ad-Hoc Committee.
  • Interviewed and approved the City of Monroe’s third Resource Assistance for Rural Environments (RARE) participant for the fiscal year 2022-2023.