Meet Lisa Lindner
About Councilor Lisa Lindner
Monroe resident for 6 years
I would be honored to continue serving as a Councilor for the City of Monroe. I have lived in Oregon all my life and have been in Monroe for just under 6 years. Prior to that, I lived in Corvallis for 17 years, and before then, I grew up in the Southeast suburb of Portland (Milwaukie). Both of my parents grew up in very small rural towns; I like to think that choosing to buy a home in a small town was in my DNA all along.
I served my first term as a Monroe City Councilor between 2020-2024. If reelected, my goal is to continue to strategically and sustainably help manage our town without compromising its rural character.
- City of Monroe resident for ~6 years
- Engaged to Chris, who moved from Idaho to Oregon 8 years ago
- 3 dogs and 2 cats
- Sister Leslie and her dog are staying with us for a while
- Remote Compensation Consultant for the University of Washington, one of the world’s most highly regarded research institutes
- 6 years in higher education (Oregon State University and University of Washington); ~12 years in Human Resources.
- Human Resources Manager for 2 Towns Ciderhouse in Corvallis (2015 – 2018)
- Human Resources Assistant and Assistant Manager for First Alternative Natural Foods Co-op in Corvallis (2013 – 2015)
- Natural perfume business owner and formulator:
- University of Oregon: Planning, Public Policy, and Management graduate coursework (2010 – 2012)
- Oregon State University, Bachelor’s of Arts in Cultural Anthropology (2007)
- Milwaukie High School (2002)
Government Experience
- Monroe City Councilor (2020 – 2024)
- Milwaukie City Hall Volunteer (2000)
- Library Ad Hoc Committee Chair(October – 2024)
- Personnel and Finance Committee Chair (2020)
- 1135 Grant Project council representative to the committee (2022)
- Ordinance Committee Member
I’m running for reelection as a City Councilor because I’m personally invested in Monroe’s success. I’d like to continue:
- Working with community members to come to a resolution regarding the Monroe Community Library;
- Supporting the 1135 Grant Project’s completion with careful checkpoints and consideration of community feedback along the way;
- Ensuring our City Staff are supported. This includes updating Employee Handbooks, assisting with recruitment and succession planning, and providing fair compensation for their invaluable work.
Our town has come a long way in the last four years thanks to community members’ involvement, City Staff, the current Mayor, and the current Council. While our Councilors span the full spectrum in terms of our political leanings, we continue to come together to always do what we believe is in the best interest of Monroe and its future. Our dynamic is respectful even when we disagree with each other, and we have accomplished a lot in our first term together. I am confident in our ability to accomplish more as a cohesive governance.
If you have any questions for me, I can be reached at